RETREAT in magelang
We will settle into the mountain resort hotel ”MesaStila” (formerly called Losari Coffee Plantation) – a luxurious 5 Star SPA hotel surrounded by unique antiques and beautiful nature.
“MesaStila” is a Genius Loci place – it is encircled by eight large mountains including: Andong (1,726 m) and the most active volcano in Central Java-Merapi (2,911 m).
MARCH 13th–15th
How to create new meaning?
Retreat is a time to review experiences from the Foresight stepping aside from the external noise and distractions.
In the most beautiful mountain area – powerful nature environment, one can better connect with its internal core, recognize the stereotypes that interfere with his/her personal and business development activities and find Images of the future for the new development.
Leader: Rasa Baltė-Balčiūnienė
Founder of HAI.LT, Creator of the Expedition idea, and an expert on leadership identity development and business transformation.
Jolanta Šadbarienė
Practitioner of embodiment and artistic expression as authenticity development.
Laurita Peleniūtė
Folklorist, lecturer, Lithuanian concordant performer.